Styles: Pilates

Kevin trained in the style of Romana’s Pilates, a practice that originated with Romana Kryzanowska, a woman who inherited Joe Pilates’ studio in New York City.

Practice with Kevin
As a professional dancer who has always benefited from the conditioning Pilates offers, he focuses his classwork on deep forms of strength, stamina, and control. Because he values his own experience of Pilates alongside Yoga, he coordinates all of his exercises with an awareness of breath, and he places special attention on lengthening muscles while working deep in the body.
Kevin discovered Pilates in Chicago, IL, U.S.A. while studying at Northwestern University (B.A. Dance & Communication Studies) and training intensely to become a ballet dancer. His years of training with Claire Bataille were a gift, and her teaching principles and values remain strong in him today. After leaving classical ballet and moving to New York City to freelance, Kevin maintained his own practice of Pilates while teaching for Bring the Gym to Me and Groundworks Pilates. Since relocating to Brussels in 2016, he’s been able to teach Pilates for Yyoga as well as Brussels Yoga Pilates. He is very grateful to sustain and share something that’s supported him so much his last 15 years of learning and teaching.