Studio Etiquette
We would like to ensure a peaceful practice and a safe haven for everyone. Therefore we kindly ask that you respect the guidelines below when practising at our studio.
Enjoy your Yyoga experience!

Arrive on time
Latecomers are not allowed to enter the practice rooms as it impacts everyone elses' class.

Always check in at the reception before class.

No footwear inside
Please take off your footwear before entering the interior space.

No personal belongings
Don’t bring personal belongings such as bags, jackets or devices into the practice room. Please leave the teacups in the lounge.

Please be silent in and around the practice rooms.

Electronic devices
Leave all electronic devices in the changing room and turned to silent mode.

Clean your space
Please clean your sweat up and leave the space as you found it.

Return the props
Return the studio props, rental mats and towels to their designated area.