SmartFLOW - Somatics, and the Subtle Body with Annie Carpenter
with Annie Carpenter
Yyoga Workshop
Thursday June 5 to Sunday June 8, 2025from 10:00-16:00 (1hr lunch break)
Join Annie for 4-days of Inspiration and Integration.
Annie is uniquely equipped to take your practice and your teaching to new depths bringing decades of study and practice of dance and movement, Somatics, functional anatomy, advanced-level Yoga and Philosophy. She highlights Yoga tradition with the modernity of subtle and functional anatomy.
- 720 EUR (4 days training)
- Early Bird until April 1: 650 EUR (code SMART25)
Just as in each breath we observe the totality — birth, gentle rise, apex, turn-around, steady release and slow resolution — we can embrace each aspect of every thing we think and do. In Asana, that means exploring the smallest initial expression to the fullest, vigorous actions, and the conscious unfolding towards the dynamic stillness of each pose. Over time, our dedicated practice is the means to health, longevity and deep peace.
Designed for experienced practitioners and teachers of Yoga, this 4-day weekend will move you and your practice, and your teaching, to new depths: explore, refresh, and evolve.
Day 1 Sushumna: The ultimate blueprint. From Tadasana to Plank, Dandasna to Savasana, awareness of the central line of energy brings us to all movement possibilities including the deepest rest. From deep core-work to uncovering intuitive connections long lost, wake up to your best, most wake-full Self.
Day 2 Spiral: Like DNA, we are organically put together with full body and tiny spirals. Understanding the -Vritta, or twist that balances the 2 sides as well as the front-back and above-below aspects of full-body motion are the elements of grace and ease. From healthy walking to advanced expressions of beloved inversions the spiral awakens full body awareness, spaciousness and yes, ease.
Day 3 Passion and Fear: Like the Kleshas, Raga and Dvesha, our bodies are constantly in inner turmoil. In Functional Movement, these elements express as Push and Pull — which are essential! Strengthening and balancing these components and their energetic causes leads to clear and strong sense of Self.
Day 4 This Present Moment: True Peace, say the Yogis, is only found in the present moment. In our quest for a heathy body and mind, how do we arrive at peace? How can we stop lingering in a joyous moment since passed, or resist projecting ourselves into a hoped-for future? As Dharana (concentration) reveals Dhyana (meditative absorption), the Yogis mindful transitions create the conditions for living in the here and now.
Somatics: The Power of Subtle Movements
– Learn somatic yoga essentials to build inner awareness and refine your movements.
– Cultivate skill, control, and self-awareness through observing sensations.
– Deepen your asana practice with enhanced concentration and expanded mindfulness.
– Awaken underused body parts like feet, legs, hips, spine, shoulders, and arms.
– Explore therapeutic movements suited for beginners or those with limited mobility.
– Refresh your teaching methods by incorporating somatic explorations into classes.
The Subtle Body: Awakening Practices
– Understand and experience the subtle body through yogic philosophy and direct practice.
– Engage with inspirations from ancient texts, breathing techniques, and self-inquiry.
– Learn to teach basic meditation practices and integrate subtle body concepts into yoga classes.
– Meditate on pranic flow, chakras, and energy centers to access deeper states of awareness.
– Discover the witness consciousness and explore the nature of reality, consciousness, and liberation.
– Morning Sadhana: 10 to 12 – Complete SmartFlow practice
– Afternoon Lab: 13:00 to 16:00 – A mix of Somatic-based subtle movement and anatomically-grounded SmartFlow Yoga, key Functional movement elements, Pranayama, classical yogic philosophy and meditation.
This workshop is perfect for yoga practitioners seeking to deepen their self-awareness, teachers looking to expand their methodologies, and anyone interested in somatic and subtle body practices. Whether you’re new to these concepts or experienced, Annie’s guidance will inspire and challenge you. This training will count for 15 CE points.
Annie Carpenter, known as “The Teachers’ Teacher,” brings over 40 years of experience in yoga, dance, and somatic studies. She is the creator of SmartFLOW Yoga—a method combining traditional yogic wisdom with innovative inquiry to inspire precision, subtlety, and compassion. Annie’s teaching integrates her deep understanding of anatomy, her dance background with the Martha Graham Company, and her extensive yoga studies with luminaries such as Swami Satchidananda and Pattabhi Jois.
A pioneer in teacher trainings, Annie has mentored countless yoga instructors and continues to share her passion for movement and mindfulness globally. Her teaching is marked by clarity, compassion, and playfulness, encouraging students to connect deeply with their true selves. Annie’s classes and trainings are both rigorous and nurturing, guiding students toward personal transformation.